Happy New Year! To continue to support your social pedagogy journey in 2024, we’re delighted to share with you a few upcoming events over the coming months. With all our online courses, we’ve decided to delay our fee increase – sadly inevitable given the high inflation levels over the past few years. You can register by the end of January to pay just the current rate.
Developing Relationship-Centred Practice
New online cohort starts 26 January 6 x 3-hr sessions – £300 (until 31 January)

There’s still time to join our online course for anyone in social care, social work, education and other settings where relationships matter. We’ll introduce you to many of the key concepts in social pedagogy to explore how you can centre your practice around meaningful authentic relationships and ensure your values are at the heart of your work. Find out more and register now via this link.
Making Co-Production Meaningful
New online cohort starts 25 February 5 x 3-hr sessions – £250 (until 31 January)
Co-production has become a popular term, yet it can be challenging to make it a meaningful process for everyone involved. Designed for anyone working in public service, such as social workers, educators, health professionals, community workers, managers, and leaders, our course will introduce you to the key principles of social pedagogy and Human Learning Systems to help you to co-create change together with the people you support. Interested? Then click here to find out more and register.

Relational Leadership
New online cohort starts 24 April 9 x 3-hr sessions – £450 (until 31 January)

Whether you’re planning to progress your career in 2024 or already an experienced leader, our Relational Leadership course could be just what you need. It’s one of the first courses to draw on Human Learning Systems, exploring how HLS can enable purpose-driven leadership in complex environments across organisations and local systems. Learn how you can be an authentic leader who inspires curiosity, connection and creativity. You can find all relevant details about the course here.
As a social enterprise, we will also continue to run free learning events open to anyone, in particular our new monthly opportunity to join Learning Out Loud.

Interested in cultivating your learning mindset within a supportive group? Then join us any second Friday of the month from 1pm-1.50pm (UK times). In Learning Out Loud we use both narrative and structured methods to reflect on a recent learning experience. Participants in our first session were amazed by how effective and appreciative it was to learn out loud with like-minded people. Join us for free by clicking here.