Announcing Our Free Lunchtime Webinar Series on Relational Practice

We’re excited to introduce our upcoming free lunchtime webinar series focused on Relational Practice with care experienced young people. This series is designed to share valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance relational working.


Research consistently highlights the importance of relationships in helping young people in and leaving care to thrive. Despite this, implementing relational working practices remains a challenge. To address this, the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum, the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation’s Leaving Care Learning Programme and ThemPra ran a peer learning programme throughout 2023-24. This initiative aimed to support local authority leaving care teams and voluntary organisations in developing effective relational practices.

The programme has produced a wealth of learning materials, resources and links, which we will share here over the next few months. To further share these insights, we are hosting a series of webinars this autumn. These sessions are open to everyone, and we encourage you to share the details with anyone who might be interested.

Webinar Schedule

Young People’s Views on Relationships

Date: 23rd October, 1pm-1.45pm

Details: Introduction to the relational working peer learning programme and insights from care experienced young people on relationships.

Register Here

Relational Practice with Care Experienced Young People: What Research Tells Us

Date: 6th November, 1pm-1.45pm

Details: Discussion on the latest research and practical implementation of research findings.

Register Here

Supporting Interdependence

Date: 21st November, 1pm-1.45pm

Details: Using the Relational Universe to visualise and support key relationships in young people’s lives.

Register Here

Being Authentic

Date: 3rd December, 1pm-1.45pm

Details: Exploring authenticity in practice using the 3 Ps (Professional, Personal, Private).

Register Here

Love in Professional Practice

Date: 22nd January, 1pm-1.45pm

Details: Examining the role of love in work with care experienced young people and fostering a sense of being loved.

Register Here

Reflecting & Describing Impact

Date: 11th February, 1pm-1.45pm

Details: Reflecting on the impact of relational practice using creative methods like Most Significant Change.

Register Here

Our Toolkit Treasure Trove

Date: 19th March, 1pm-1.45pm

Details: Highlighting additional resources and toolkits to strengthen relational practice within the current policy context.

Register Here

We hope to see you in these sessions. Please feel free to share this information with colleagues and networks who might benefit from these webinars.