There is, of course, much more to social pedagogy than we could outline on just one website. To help you learn more about it, we’ve pulled together some key resources, such as our webinar series, books, journal articles, media reports, videos, and other online resources. We’ve also included a myth buster and a download section where you can find presentations and handouts about social pedagogy. Below is a brief introduction to what you can find in each section.
Webinar Series on Social Pedagogy Concepts at Turbulent Times
When the COVID-19 pandemic first started to cause huge upheavals in social care practice, we felt it was time to learn more about how a social pedagogical perspective could help practitioners navigate the uncharted territory they found themselves in. We wanted to offer a forum for dialogue and ideas about how to make sense of the uncertainties and unpredictability at these unprecedented times and how to keep connected to a deeper sense of moral purpose. Our webinar series ‘Exploring Social Pedagogy Concepts at Turbulent Times’ is the result of this ambition. You can watch all 19 webinar recordings here on our website.
Literature about social pedagogy
Over the last few years, a growing number of literature has concerned itself with social pedagogy. In our literature section we aim to list the key books, research reports and journal articles on social pedagogy. As many journal articles on social pedagogy are not free of charge or easily accessible, we’ve tried to make available any other papers we could find on the subject to give you an even broader, more diverse insight into social pedagogy. Please click here to access these.
Download presentations and handout material on social pedagogy
If you are interested in exploring social pedagogy more interactively or helping promote social pedagogy amongst your colleagues or friends, we’re happy to support you with resources. That’s why we’ve made available some handout materials and PowerPoint presentations in this section. You’re welcome to use them for non-commercial purposes and with references to us. Please access them here.
Videos from a social pedagogical perspective
There are a number of excellent videos that convey important aspects of social pedagogy and take a social pedagogical perspective. In this section are some of the most inspirational and interesting clips we’ve been able to find and wanted to share with you.
Social pedagogy myth buster
As a paradigm, social pedagogy is very complex (as other disciplines are too) and indivisibly connected to a given culture (so we can’t fully understand it without understanding the society in which it has emerged). Walter Lorenz, one of the most notable contemporary academics in social pedagogy, suggests that ‘social pedagogy is an important but widely misunderstood member of the social professions’ (Lorenz 2008, p.625). To help readers understand it a little bit better we want to elaborate on some of the most common misconceptions about social pedagogy in the myth buster section.
Online resources on social pedagogy
To make sure that you’re fully informed about social pedagogy, our online resources section features a list of the best virtual places to visit on your quest to understanding social pedagogy. Check it out here.