Join our virtual event on 29/06/2022 – 10am-12pm (BST)
We warmly invite you to join our next virtual Social Pedagogy in Practice event. To commemorate 2 years of our webinar series Exploring Social Pedagogy Concepts at Turbulent Times, continue the regular Social Pedagogy Development Network events, and extend the virtual learning and networking space to members of the new Global Alliance for Social Pedagogy and Social Education, we’ll be hosting this special 2-hour session. The event offers a forum for practitioners, students, service managers and academics alike to find out how organisations are developing social pedagogy in different practice contexts, to share ideas and to connect with other professionals who have a similar passion for relationship-centred practice. As with previous SPDN events, we aim to increase our collective understandings of social pedagogy in ways that are inspiring, practice-relevant and reflective of social pedagogical principles and values. We hope to stimulate reflection on how you can further develop your practice and thus make an even greater difference to the individuals, groups or communities you engage with.
Irrespective of whether you have been part of the UK-focussed Social Pedagogy Development Network, the new Global Alliance for Social Pedagogy and Social Education, or are connected in other ways, you’re most welcome to take part! We hope that this session will offer you a real flavour of what social pedagogy looks like across different practice settings. For us it’s about enabling a thousand flowers to bloom – so instead of the conformity of monocultures you’ll get a flavour of the rich diversity in which social pedagogy can support relationship-centred practice.
If you’re interested in learning a lot more about social pedagogy, then join one of our experiential online courses, watch the recordings of our webinar series and or sign up to hear about other learning events.
In the meantime, you can learn more about the Social Pedagogy Development Network here. It’s our UK/Ireland-focussed practice community that, over the last 13 years, has enabled us to increase our collective understandings of social pedagogy in ways that are inspiring, practice-relevant and reflective of social pedagogical principles and values.
You can also learn more about the Global Alliance for Social Pedagogy and Social Education here. We’re still in the early stage of developing the Global Alliance together with social pedagogy and social education associations from many different countries, and we welcome everyone who recognises the importance of building a dynamic community of people across the globe who are interested in social pedagogy and social education. We want this movement to be as open and inclusive as possible, and we have therefore designed the Global Alliance’s structure in ways that enable each person to contribute in whichever form they wish to. This means we use liberating structures that are very different from more traditional formal associations.
Both of these initiatives are completely free, because we believe that the greatest value lies in the power of connection and reciprocity. Contributions are therefore not financial but about what each member can offer to serve the wider purpose of these communities. We therefore hope you’ll join us!