The Social Pedagogy Reading Club offers a free regular forum for debate and practice improvement. Each month, we discuss a journal article, book chapter or report to explore its relevance for practice.
Journal clubs are a regular cycle of meetings, widely used as a practice development method in various medical professions. Our Reading Club follows a similar format. We meet virtually via Zoom at 6.30pm on the first Monday of every month (unless that’s a UK bank holiday), and you’re invited to join us for as many sessions as you’d like. In each session, facilitated by the wonderful Janet Grauberg, we collectively summarise the findings of an article, critically discuss them, work in small groups to plan how we will incorporate them into our practice, and choose the next article.
So far we’ve read the following articles:
- October 2020: Charfe, L., & Gardner, A. (2020). ‘Does My Haltung Look Big In This?”: The Use of Social Pedagogical Theory for the Development of Ethical and Value Led Practice. International Journal of Social Pedagogy.
- November 2020: Harbo, L. J., & Kemp, R. (2020). Social pedagogical perspectives on fidelity to a manual: Professional principles and dilemmas in everyday expertise. International Journal of Social Pedagogy.
- December 2020: Winman, T. (2020). The Role of Social Pedagogy in a Digitalized Society. The Educational Review, USA, 4(3), 81-92.
- January 2021: Andrews, N., Gabbay, J., Le-May, A., Miller, E., Petch, A., & O’Neill, M. (2020). Story, dialogue and caring about what matters to people: progress towards evidence-enriched policy and practice. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice.
- February 2021: Smith, M. (2020). It really does depend: Towards an epistemology (and ontology) for everyday social pedagogical practice. International Journal of Social Pedagogy, 9(1), 1-18.
- March 2021: Leadbeater, C. (2020). Love Meets Power. The Australian Centre for Social Innovation.
- April 2021: Brighton & Hove City Council (2017). ‘Empathy, tenacity and compassion’: An evaluation of relationship-based practice in Brighton & Hove.
- May 2021: Freire, P. (1997). The First Day at School. In Teachers as Cultural Workers.
- June 2021: Turbett, C. (2021). Struggling To Care. Common Weal.
- July 2021: Baird, R. P. (2021). The invention of whiteness: the long history of a dangerous idea. The Guardian (Long Read)
- September 2021: Barton, C. (2021). Embedding social pedagogy and psychological safety with virtual teams. International Journal of Social Pedagogy, 10(1): 8.
- October 2021: Krumer-Nevo, M. (2016). Poverty-aware social work: A paradigm for social work practice with people in poverty. British Journal of Social Work, 46(6), 1793-1808.
- November 2021: Archard, D. (2020). Hearing the child’s voice: a philosophical account. Journal of the British Academy, 8(s4), 7-15.
- December 2021: Burke, P. J., Cameron, C., Fuller, E. and Hollingworth, K. (2021). The relational navigator: a pedagogical reframing of widening educational participation for care-experienced young people.
International Journal of Social Pedagogy, 10(1), 15. - January 2022: Jiang, L., Hwang, J. D., Bhagavatula, C., Bras, R. L., Forbes, M., Borchardt, J., … & Choi, Y. (2021). Delphi: Towards machine ethics and norms.
- February 2022: Úcar, X. (2021). Theoretical and practical knowledge in social pedagogy: levels and agents of the pedagogical knowledge production. Oxford Review of Education, 1-19.
- March 2022: Ingold, T. (2016). The Knowing Self. Marres Spring Session 4 on Training the Senses.
Want to join us at one of our future sessions? Then click the button below.