Download presentations and handouts
As a not-for-profit organisation we are genuinely committed to broadening understandings of social pedagogy. We have therefore decided to make several of our introductory resources freely available to enable you to learn more about social pedagogy. Under the Creative Commons License, all our materials can be used and adapted for non-commercial purposes as long as they are attributed to us as the authors.
Handout documents
Social Pedagogy Briefing Paper
This paper gives a snapshot overview of what social pedagogy is and what impact it has had in the UK so far.
Introduction to Social Pedagogy
For those wanting a more comprehensive but concise handout about what social pedagogy is, we suggest this file. You’re welcome to use this in promoting social pedagogy amongst colleagues or friends.
Head, Heart, Hands – A Short Guide to Social Pedagogy
This is an excellent little resource with a succinct introduction to key social pedagogical concepts, produced by Staffordshire, one of the Head, Heart, Hands demonstration sites. It is based on our reference tool.
PowerPoint Presentations
Social pedagogy impact
Synthesising various external evaluations and feedback from organisations we’ve been working with, this slideshow provides an overview of how social pedagogy can impact on organisations.
Social pedagogy – developing children’s potential
This very comprehensive presentation complemented a talk by Gabriel Eichsteller and David Kingswood at the Care Council for Wales knowledge exchange event in Cardiff (September 2015).
Social pedagogy – developing authentic relationships
These slides accompanied Gabriel’s presentation at the ‘Unity through Relationship’ conference in Dublin (November 2014).
‘A journey through the history of social pedagogy’
This presentation highlights some of the key influences on social pedagogical thinking from Gabriel’s keynote speech at the Youth & Policy Conference ‘History of Youth and Community Work’ in Durham (March 2009).
‘Educating Pedagogues in Denmark’
This presentation by Karen Prins from Frøbelseminariet, UCC Copenhagen outlines how pedagogues are educated in Denmark and what subjects are part of their qualification.
If you are interested in posters and postcards of key social pedagogy concepts, please click here.